Monday, September 14, 2009

I Rather NOT!

About a week and half ago you will never guess what I found out! That cute little precious baby was not a mistake but planned! Can you say a million daggers to the heart! Not the regular let's fuck with out a condom and if you get pregnant we are keeping it type of plan. Oh NOOOO! The going to the doctors having sex on a certain day, time and temperature type of plan. Finding an old Jamaican women to give a tonic for fertilty type of plan! I was enjoying my thoughts of him getting stuck with his baby's mother not by choice. I RATHER NOT have known! That was uneccessary information. But you know what....(sigh)

I digress...

Karma does have a way of getting people back. Unfortunately he is stuck with a physcho. I rememeber him apologizing to me. I did forgive him for breaking my heart. I'm just glad that I can be an ear for him to speak to. I would only be able to with stand him if I had truly found forgiveness and I am happy to say I really have.

But dont get it twisted I certainly did not forget!