Friday, August 28, 2009

A wow moment!

Just after my last post I get a text message asking if I want to see him? Him who? His baby... Can you say the cutest baby in the world! Wow a baby can brighten a person's mood with just a gurgle! Soooo fricking adorable! And to see him with his son and how much love he has for that little boy is amazing! He told me he cried after finally seeing his son after a month of separation. His mother is vindictive. Why do women always put their children in the middle? That is very unfair to the child...I will not ruin my happy moment by getting into that. Man oh man WOW!


Luv said...

well sometimes we can't get past the pain. so we play silly games.. and sometimes we have to remember that there are always 3 sides to the story.. and looking from the outside to the inside, we don't always see this

Misstarii said...

most women use the baby as the bait, which is wrong..i love your blog but i have to catch up on all the posts.

Lace38 said...

I hope that one day in the near future the child's mother CAN look past her pain and loss and allow him free access to his child.

xxxx said...

my boyfriend is going through the same thing right now and honestly its more stressful on our relationship more than anything. im ready to be gone